Friday, July 31, 2009

painting endevors part one

Seeing as how we have been in our house for 4months I decided it was time to start painting. Here are 2 rooms that are started. Well, the girls room is all done except for the window treaments _i will post those when I am done (if you blow them up- yes I hit the ceiling and yes i fixed it!!! hard to paint when laying on your back on top of a closet!!!)

Guest room. This brought on new appreciation for my painter friends (jacque and Dave!) this was a tedious job that paid off but ...MAN!!! Window treatments to come soon here too- and lamp shade! ha)
Not exciting I know, but felt I was so lsacking on the posts that I needed to do something. I got some great fabric while in mesa and can't wait to get it all up!!! I have a hard tiome doing all that while the kids sit and do nothing so i can do something, so it will come soon enough!


Johnson Family said...

All I can say is "wow, wow, wow!!!" I can't believe you did all that painting, and the patterns are soooooo awesome. I totally admire you, I have done a lot of painting in our various houses and it is anything but fun.. so kudos for sticking with it and post some more pictures when you are all done!!

Diane said...

holy cow! YOU ROCK... where were you when i was doing painting. i could have used a good person like you! dang!!

Marie said...

Looks awesome!! You are so ambitious. I don't do any of the painting in my house - my husband won't let me - guess that tells you about my painting talent - or rather lack of. You did a fabulous job!

Miss Fergie said...

You did such a good job! I hate doing diamonds!

thesearlesociety said...

Awesome paint job! Want to come paint for me in Germany?!! How did you do that diamond pattern and the stripes? So cool!

Jodiane said...

I can't wait to visit and sleep in that great looking room. Aweseomeness.

ShelleyG said...

Wow! That looks great! Those diamonds are impressive!! How fun for you! :)