At church kassidy goes with the 8-11 year old every other week and learns different things (called activity days for those that know what it is!) Their recent project was to make their own apron all by themselves and then have an ice cream social for the dads. It was very cute. they did a fashion show and then served the men. It was very very very very (get the idea) very hard for me to let her do the entire project herself complet with crooked cutting and sewing. I did let her do it all on her own and it is adorable! She is so proud of herself and we are of her.
1 week ago
Adorable...Can she make me one? ha :)
Those aprons are sooooo cute!! what a wonderful project and I am very impressed with her sewing abilities!! I would have to say that I want one too!!! it looks like you guys are such a happy family!
She did so awesome on her apron. Someone would have had to tie my hands down to keep me from helping. I have such a hard time with crooked cuts and stitches - so I just don't sew! Thanks for giving my gemini Jack an excuse for being nasty. I was hopeing it was just a phase - so what your telling me it that its likely he'll be like this forever - great!!!
the apron is way cute! and thats a fun activity day.
i cant believe abbey is 5 already. where does the time go???
i like that pic at the end.... Good job Kassidy.
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