Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The real reason for the blog drought

So I realized that it had been a month since I have posted. WHAT?! I have been so good so sorry for that.

We have had a teen ager living with us for several weeks and having a teen have been quite different. She has introduced us to GUITAR HERO and ROCKBAND. So for the sake of keepiong her entertained I have played almost everynight after the girls have gone to bed. I must admit I have become addicted and quite good. Even the girls like to try the guitars and drums! So the computer has gone to the back burner. HOWEVER, Brian has pointed out that I am behind and need to get on it! So here we go....

we have had lots of things going on. so here is a little recap.

The girls in their all the way from Ireland St Pattys shirts

Kass finally finished cheer and had a little party.

So proud of her trophy.

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