Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My life feels like this....

So I've disappeared, I've been told! Here is why...
Brian is gone (again) he can't see our blog so I slack
Decided to finish school since I am so close to being done (5 more classes after the 3 i am taking and then i can apply to the nursing program to be a labor and delivery nurse)
Brian is in command for his unit which makes me the "mom" to all 75 wives and their problems.
Church keeps me busy too!
So to the world I look like this.....
All put together and getting it done. but.......

I feel like this!

Ha Ha Ha
No life isn't that bad! Just makes me giggle.
It's harder than I thought giving up my awesome mom do what ever i want when i want lifestyle to go to school. It will be good. It gives me a new purpose and it's so my little ladies can go to school and have no worries or loans!
Life Is GOOD!!!


Marie said...

Glad I'm not the only one who feels overwhelmed! Your list sounds pretty long. Good luck with everything!

Johnson Family said...

I am glad you took a little time out of your crazy life to post!!! You must be very overwhelmed right now, but just know that what you are doing is awesome!!! You will look back on this time and be sooo glad you sacrificed!!
Just keep on juggling!!! (Do you feel like a circus clown yet??!!)
Love ya,

thesearlesociety said...

Wow. You are doing quite a bit. Good luck with school. And everything else too! You'll make it through:)

Danielle said...

I know how you feel! Except, I've got a husband around-although he works so much I am pretty much a single Mom. I think your new plan sounds great. Good luck!

ShelleyG said...

I cannot imagine doing what you do without someone to help me out! You need to take down that post of the creepy guy and put up a picture of Wonder Woman!!! Some days you just have to put down some of the things you've got going cuz they are always going to be there later... :) Just take it one day or hour or minute at a time. Hang in there girl!